
I’m Narelle and am terribly unphotogenic, which is why you won’t see many photos that actually include me in them. Lucky for you! I live in Melbourne, Australia with my family. I’m hopelessly outnumbered as they are all male, with the exception of our boxer dog. Does she count? We have a big garden that was mostly established over 20 years ago and so there are lots of lovely old rose bushes as well as fruit trees: grapefruit, lemon, plum, grapes, fig, persimmon and olives. The bay tree is also pretty impressive. But it’s pretty out of control – there is so much weeding to keep on top of! We have a nice vegie garden, although it’s not terribly diverse. Maybe 2013 is the year this will change as my baby is growing up and is obsessed with the garden.

In my other life, I work part-time as a researcher exploring the social aspects of chronic conditions at Monash University. I have a PhD in Public Health/Women’s Health, which is largely irrelevant to this blog but might explain some of my turns of phrase. Generally, I like to make puns and play with words, largely a private enterprise.

Anyway, thanks for taking the time to support this blog – it’s greatly appreciated!

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